- 附件:attached
- 样品:sample
- 承认:approval
- 答复:answer;reply
- 规格:spec
- 与...同样的:the same as
- 前版本:previous version(old version)
- 生产:production
- 确认:confirm
- 再次确认:double confirm
- 工程问题:engineering query(EQ)
- 尽快:ASAP(as soon as possible)
- 生产文件:production gerber
- 联系某人:contact somebody
- 提交样板:submit sample
- 交货期:delivery date
- 电测成本:ET(electrical test) cost
- 通断测试:Open and short testing
- 参考:refer to
- IPC标准:IPC standard
- IPC二级:IPC class 2
- 可接受的:acceptable
- 允许:permit
- 制造:manufacture
- 修改:revision
- 公差:tolerance
- 忽略:ignore(omit)
- 工具孔:tooling hole
- 安装孔:mounting hole
- 元件孔:component hole
- 槽孔:slot
- 邮票孔:snap off hole
- 导通孔:via
- 盲孔: blind via
- 埋孔:buried via
- 金属化孔:PTH(plating through hole)
- 非金属化孔:NPTH( no plating through hole)
- 孔位:hole location
- 避免:avoid
- 原设计:original design
- 修改:modify
- 按原设计:leave it as it is
- 附边:waste tab
- 铜条:copper strip
- 拼板强度:panel strong
- 板厚:board thickness
- 删除:remove(delete)
- 削铜:shave the copper
- 露铜:copper exposure
- 光标点:fiducial mark
- 不同:be different from(differ from)
- 内弧:inside radius
- 焊环:annular ring
- 单板尺寸:single size
- 拼板尺寸:panel size
- 铣:routing
- 铣刀:router
- V-cut:scoring
- 哑光:matt
- 光亮的:glossy
- 锡珠:solder ball(solder plugs)
- 阻焊:solder mask(solder resist)
- 阻焊开窗:solder mask opening
- 单面开窗:single side mask opening
- 补油:touch up solder mask
- 补线:track welds
- 毛刺:burrs
- 去毛刺:deburr
- 镀层厚度:plating thickness
- 清洁度:cleanliness
- 离子污染:ionic contamination
- 阻燃性:flammability retardant
- 黑化:black oxidation
- 棕化:brown oxidation
- 红化:red oxidation
- 可焊性:solderability
- 焊料:solder
- 包装:packaging
- 角标:corner mark
- 特性阻抗:characteristic impedance
- 正像:positive
- 负片:negative
- 镜像:mirror
- 线宽:conductor width
- 线距:conductor spacing
- 做样:build sample
- 按照:as per
- 成品:finished
- 做变更:make the change
- 相类似:similar to
- 规格:specification
- 下移:shift down
- 垂直地:vertically
- 水平的:horizontally
- 增大:increase
- 缩小:decrease
- 表面处理:Surface Finishing
- 波峰焊:wave solder
- 钻孔数据:drilling date
- 标记:Logo
- Ul 标记:Ul Marking
- 蚀刻标记:etched marking
- 周期:date code
- 翘曲:bow and twist
- 外层:outer layer
- 内层:internal layer
- 顶层:top layer
- 底层:bottom layer
- 元件面:component side
- 焊接面:solder side
- 阻焊层:solder mask layer
- 丝印层:legend layer (silkscreen layer or over layer)
- 兰胶层:peelable SM layer
- 贴片层:paste mask layer
- 碳油层:carbon layer
- 外形层:outline layer(profile layer)
- 白油:white ink
- 绿油:green ink
- 喷锡:hot air leveling (HAL)
- 水金:flash gold
- 插头镀金:plated gold edge-board contacts
- 金手指:Gold-finger
- 防氧化:Entek(OSP)
- 沉金:Immersion gold (chem. Gold)
- 沉锡:Immersion Tin(chem.Tin)
- 沉银:Immersion Silver (chem. silver)
- 单面板:single sided board
- 双面板:double sided board
- 多层板:multilayer board
- 刚性板:rigid board
- 挠性板:flexible board
- 刚挠板:flex-rigid board
- 铣:CNC (mill , routing)
- 冲:punching
- 倒角:beveling
- 倒斜角:chamfer
- 倒圆角:fillet
- 尺寸:dimension
- 材料:material
- 介电常数:Dielectric constant
- 菲林:film
- 成像:Imaging
- 板镀:Panel Plating
- 图镀:Pattern Plating
- 后清洗:Final Cleaning
- 叠层:layup (stack-up)
- 污染焊盘:contaminate pad
- 分孔图:drill chart
- 度数:degree
- 被…覆盖:be covered with
- 负公差:minus tolerance
- 标靶盘: target pad
- 外形公差:routing tolerance
- 芯板:core